Joining Forces - For All Children
In 2017, TDHIF joined forces with five other leading child-focused agencies namely ChildFund Alliance, Plan International, Save the Children International, SOS Children’s Villages International, and World Vision International to establish the Joining Forces (JF) alliance.
This coalition aims to accelerate progress in securing children’s rights and ending violence against them, guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Together, JF members pilot and scale innovative approaches across more than 25 countries.
Throughout 2023, TDHIF remained actively engaged within JF, at all levels, including in its advocacy and programme work. For example, a high level event on child participation and a meeting with key UN official was jointly organised on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly and SDGs summit, in New York in September. Another event was co-organised at the European Humanitarian Forum where children and young people presented their recommendations on the hunger crisis to policy-makers and donors.
Additionally, TDHIF has been instrumental in the development of the JF Call to Action focused on mainstreaming meaningful child participation.
Other key initiatives included participation in significant JF projects: Joining Forces for Africa (JOFA) project on child protection amidst COVID-19 in Uganda, Mali, Kenya, Senegal, and Ethiopia; and a project to combat child labour in Mali, Burkina Faso, Madagascar and Malawi.
Through these efforts, TDHIF and Joining Forces continue to champion children’s rights and drive impactful change globally.